Try to plan something

I want to do something more tomorrow. Here in my head now there's a lot of things that I want to do. I want to dig the land, than plant something in my front yard.
I plan to wash my car, than go to the market to buy some fish and fresh vegetable, than I will cook. After all of that thing then I'll go to office, fullfill my days with usual activity; work.
Whooaa...that's such a simple thing actually, but seems hard to do for me.
Yeaa..the laziness always leads me 😂

It's been almost three months I live here, alone again, after years I never been alone anymore since six or seven years ago. Fill every nights with nothing. after take sholat, read Quran, swipe my phone, watching movie, than just lie down on my bed.

Yea, I plan to do something more, something that will give a lil bit advantage, not just for me, but for someone else maybe.
I don't want to be stuck here.
I have to do something more.

What's the point of my opinion?
I'm just saying that I have to do something, but the fact I didn't do anything. Oh how terrible me.
Hey wake up

First, try to write again.


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