daftar mimpiku

God... I'm crying if I think about my dreams. I wish I could reach it, feel it. Make it true...
I want continue my study aboard, in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), or in Germany.
I want to be a lecturer someday, wish I could share my knowledge to the people who love to study, to them who want to share their knowledge too.
I want to read big technical books, sit in front of my computer for hours to do my task, researching in laboratory. Like I ever done before, in my college. I miss that time. I miss to discuss with my friends about MCS51, Microcontroller, and Microprocessor. I miss to debate about VHDL with my beloved Lectures, Mr. Iswahyudi and Mr. Koredianto. I miss to do seminar to share our research.
There will be a time to get there.... won't it??

And I still many another dreams...
I want to take a long journey... aboard, feeling and watching another activity of another country, feel Allah's mighty... be a khalifah...
I also want to enter Masjidil Haram's door... where staright in front of me, Ka'bah stands, waiting for my coming. Miss it so much... I want to go there with my beloved mommy.

I want to see my little sister to be a doctor, hope she can be a helper to those people who in restrictiveness. Be an angel to humanity.

I dream to get married in my 24th… with someone who loves traveling too, so I can make my dreams come true with him. Someone who will understand me, someone who always receive me in anything I am.

Still, I still have many dreams. I am a girl who loves to dream, and love to make my dream come true.
And I am sure; there will be Allah’s hand to help me in bringing it into reality.
I dare to dream, I dare to make it true…

oct 16, '09 2:18 am


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