kisah standar manusia

saat masih kuliah, ditanya, "kapan lulus?"
udah lulus, "kapan nikah?"
udah nikah, "udah isi belum??"
and it's a good thing to know.. I have passed all of that questions ^__^

amazing saat bisa melalui tahapan2 itu dalam hidup ini..
but now.. I'm still waiting... waiting for giving the answer "Alhamdulillah.. udah 3 bulan, doain ya mudah2an sehat" to everyone who ask, "udah isi belum?"
hehe.. but Allah still give time to improve my "waiting skill".
Yep.. it doesn't matter actually.
as long as I believe that Allah will give d best for our little family..

doakan kami yah...

nov 11, '11 2:04 am


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